Tuesday, 19 June 2012

Grand Princess June 9th 2012

I had 3 lovely days off at home with Marie and Sam and boy what awful weather, I have never in my life seen such bad weather, 80mph winds and driving rain, oh well it was still good to be home, my bad chest has got a lot better and I am now back on the Grand Princess and back in the same cabin I vacated only 4 days ago. My show is tomorrow night in the Princess Theatre and then another show in the Vista Lounge the next night, then I’m done as I’m flying home the next day from Seville Spain after docking in Cadiz. My dear old pal Mark O’ Malley is onboard and what a terrific act he is, Mark has a great voice and when we get together we laugh until it hurts! We had our emergency drill and Mark and I laughed so much at times, he’s a great bloke and has that “always laughing” face, it’s great to see him again! We sailed away at 4.15pm and the Celebrity Eclipse sailed before us and then we passed the Azura and then the much loved Oriana, my heart skipped a beat as we sailed passed her, our ship the Grand Princess gave her a salute by means of many loud blasts on the ships horn and Oriana sounded hers back to us, I felt like saluting her myself, I owe so much of the success I now enjoy to that wonderful ship, I joined her in October 1996 so have been associated with her all this time, gosh 16yrs, so that’s means Oriana is now 17yrs old, it seems only like yesterday she came out as the brand new kid on the block and making the old QE2 look old and tired, but there again, what an amazing ship QE2 was, I have been so blessed to have travelled on all these magnificent ships. Ok, it’s a school night for me tonight as I have two shows tomorrow night and two shows the following night, enjoy the photos of all these wonderful ships as we sailed away from Southampton. A couple with Mark O Malley and a good meal and I was away to my bed. Good Morning. We are at sea today crossing the Bay of Biscay and the sea isn’t too bad, a bit bumpy but nowhere near as bad as we were all expecting. My rehearsal went great and tonight I am in the Vista Lounge and felling a tad nervous as I would in all honesty prefer to work the theatre, oh well it’s not like it’s the first time I have ever worked a lounge and it does look fabulous. Just back from the 8.30pm show in the Vista Lounge, it went great but felt different, I worked different, I worked “the room” more if you know what I mean, I over ran so I must have done a good job, but felt like I was really having to work hard for the laughs, well that is good for you too! I have 30mins to my next show, so now I have done a show in there I now know what to expect and just get on with it and not expect it to happen, I have to make it happen, a lesson learn’t! Oh yes…I learnt from the first show and really upped the pace. I worked at lightning speed and got great results, everybody happy. After the show I went to the Officers Wardroom with Mark and Chris the Deputy Cruise Director and had a couple of beers then off to bed and slept like a log until 11am next day. We are still at sea and now sailing closer to Cadiz in Southern Spain and I am on again tonight, this time in the beautiful Princess Theatre, so music to get ready and comedy materiel to look at and then I have to pack my case, I pack and unpack so many times I can do it in around 15mins. Rehearsal is in 3hrs 30mins and I can hear my old pal Tony Wright saying “yeah but what a lovely 3hrs 30mins” haha! A very good rehearsal and a lovely 8.30pm show from which I have just come in through the door, the next show in 35mins, I hope the next crowd will be just as good. Oh the late show crowd were fantastic, thank Sylvia for the dance on stage you were amazing. After the show I headed down to the Officers Wardroom for a pint and then back to my cabin to finish off the packing. I woke at 8.30am and after a good breakfast it was time to go, my taxi was there waiting for me to take me to Seville Airport and my flight to Madrid where I am right now, my flight for London Heathrow is in an hour and I have been sitting here for that time too, I’ll soon be home and a nice 3 day break and then it’s off to Norway on the RCI Brilliance of the Seas and I’m taking my parents with me, so see you then! Thank you as always for visiting the website and following me on the blog, I know I write in a day to day way but it really helps me and to think you are reading it gives me a great pleasure! Thank You!

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